Sunday, July 20, 2008

happy birthday hudson! happy birthday auntie jessica!

today was my buddy Huddy's first birthday party!

it was my first "first birthday" party! we had lots of fun. the party was at his grandma's house and my friend Ethan (Huddy's cousin) was there too!

Huddy ate a cupcake which sure looked good and everybody sang to him! i brought him a truck.

we took a pictures with all the boys and i was having so much fun i couldn't keep my super long tongue in my mouth!

after Huddy's party we went to GG's house for a birthday party for auntie jessica. we had pizza and homemade ice cream, well the big people did, i enjoyed my yummy milk. it was such a lovely evening and i played in the backyard with mommy and MoPa:

last month for uncle D's birthday we gave him a Cuisinart ice cream maker so this month for auntie's birthday mommy gave her some vintage-inspired glass banana split and old-fashioned sundae dishes. i sure hope auntie makes me ice cream someday. i think it tastes kind of like my yummy milk... yummm-o!

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